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At the age of 18 I went into rehab with an issue of addictions such as drugs, drink and bulimia.. I spent many years trying to live a lie trying to keep up with the facade of being "perfect". I couldn't deal with life and issues that came which I couldn't deal with therefore turning to addictions took away that pain. The thing is that i justified it and thought i wasn't that bad but really it was a progressive illness that led me to hate myself to much. If it wasn't for changing my whole life around by getting help then i wouldn't be where i am today. It starts from surrender and getting humble. Anyone can do it. You just need to believe you deserve to live a life of freedom from pain. Getting sober and starting to work on myself by becoming my autnethic self was the only thing for true happiness. This starts from finding out who you really are and who you want to be rather than what others want from you..
Life is about acceptance and knowing that no matter what the outcome you will always be okay. Complete re wiring of the mindset is needed and programming of the self talk we have. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!

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